Is Fedora good for Java developers?

Rich Boyce rich at
Wed Dec 14 09:00:20 UTC 2011

On 13/12/11 17:20, Caffeine Lee wrote:
> After Fedora 13, for some reason, I switched to Debian Squeeze and I'm
> still using it. It's a little bit old and lack of cool new features but
> very stable, high performance and it has a very good community. Don't
> know if it's worth to sacrifice (Debian) stability for (Fedora)
> features? Please help me decide.

In a previous job I used to track the Debian testing release for my 
workstation, I was doing sysadmin and development stuff (but not Java). 
It had a nice balance of stability and features - not as cutting-edge as 
Fedora but loads more stable. I'd be using it now if we weren't a Red 
Hat house here.


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