RAID disk failure

Jeffrey Ross jeff at
Sun Dec 18 17:14:36 UTC 2011

It finally happened I had a disk failure in my RAID-1 system, I got a 
message from SMART telling me that I had a drive failing and  and 
checked the mdstat and sure enough /dev/sda was missing/failed.

Ok, drive has been replaced and I did the following:

1) recreated the partition table with "sfdisk -d /dev/sdb | sfdisk /dev/sda"
2) re-added the partitions back to the raid system (eg mdadm --add 
/dev/md1 /dev/sda1  etc...)
3) recreated the boot sector on the new drive  ***WAIT*** ran into an 

The system was upgraded (via yum) from 14 to 15 to now 16 so I had grub, 
not grub2 on the system, previously it was a simple "grub-install /dev/sdX"

since grub has been replaced with grub2 I tried:

# grub2-install /dev/sda
/sbin/grub2-setup: warn: Your core.img is unusually large.  It won't fit 
in the embedding area..
/sbin/grub2-setup: error: embedding is not possible, but this is 
required for cross-disk install.

so that didin't work, I'm doing something wrong, suggestions?

Thanks, Jeff

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