zsh: bad option, bash works

Rich Boyce rich at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Dec 20 12:03:11 UTC 2011

On 20/12/11 03:54, Phil Pennock wrote:
> On 2011-12-20 at 11:46 +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>> Better, maybe, would be a "help" builtin for bash, zsh etc that
>> documented builtins and other topics, and offered to divert to "man"
>> as well (or on no hit).
>> Hmm. I see "bash" has a help comment. Zsh doesn't.
> zsh uses the run-help function and ZLE widget, and you can choose to
> create per-builtin files at install time, or do so later and repoint
> $HELPDIR to somewhere appropriate.
> By default, with Emacs key-bindings, run-help is bound to Esc-H.
> The RPM .spec I use at $work for building zsh does this:
> ----------------------------8<  cut here>8------------------------------
> # HELPDIR support
> helpfiles=$PWD/Util/helpfiles
> pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_datadir/zsh/%srcversion&&  {
>          mkdir help&&  cd help&&  \
>          man -M $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_mandir zshbuiltins | colcrt - | perl $helpfiles
>          popd
> }
> ----------------------------8<  cut here>8------------------------------
> So I enter "type anything at all" at a command-prompt, enter Esc-H, get
> the relevant documentation from the man-page, and *only* the relevant
> documentation, for the word in the command position and when I quit the
> text viewer, my command-line is still there waiting for me.

That's a nice fix. With stock zsh, I of course get the BASH_BUILTINS man 

This seems like a bug to me, so I've filed one: 
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=769264 Feel free to add your 
code as a suggested fix.


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