Buy an SSD now, or wait?

夜神 岩男 supergiantpotato at
Fri Dec 23 08:11:00 UTC 2011

On 12/23/2011 04:45 PM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

> And, for what it is worth, if you really want to walk into the Japan
> issue, all I can do is ask if you have given any money to help ...
> Paul

Since you have to be a spoilsport/clown and ask...

I didn't give money, because that is meaningless here. We've got plenty 
of money and gobs of prepared supplies. I went up north to assist my 
cousins and in-laws directly because that actually meant something. 
Rebuilding the collapsed side of the barn and replacing the house 
windows with my cousin, and tending to livestock while half the family 
was away made a much larger difference than money could -- because for 
all the money in the world you couldn't find people just then to do 
those things in that particular spot, and transportation aside from 
boats/bike was initially extremely difficuly anyway. I'm sure that my 
participation in town cleanup didn't mean as much, though, because there 
were plenty of people on hand for that, with most offices closed.

If you're really in a donating mood, I hear Joe is in need of new 
hardware and is living on a pension. I'm sure he would actually use it 
for hardware instead of simply standing up a self-beureaucratic 
organization he can be in charge of and grant himself a job of arbitrary 
tax-free salary through by telling people on the internet that his aim 
is to "help people" by donating money to a country already experiencing 
overwhelming deflationary pressures...

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