Gnome3 RFE discussion !?

夜神 岩男 supergiantpotato at
Tue Dec 27 16:51:07 UTC 2011

On 12/28/2011 01:06 AM, William Case wrote:

> Is anybody interested in this kind of concept and/or discussion?

This sounds a lot like the original KDE4 plasma concept -- but it was 
rebelled against a bit back then, so a few things stayed traditionalish, 
though you can elect to ditch everything but the plasma workspace things 
and work just from a really naked space like how you're talking.

It would probably be easier to implement there than in Gnome3, 
considering the core concepts are mostly already present.

Perhaps someone more knowledgable about KDE's underlying bits can tell 
me how far off I am...?

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