Listings Question About Ping

Paul Allen Newell pnewell at
Sat Dec 31 18:27:44 UTC 2011

On 12/31/2011 3:01 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> ln -s /dfdfdfdf ./hmpf
> ls -l -h --color=tty -X --group-directories-first --time-style=long-iso

Thanks. It didn't show up at first and suspected that it might be the 
cygwin terminal. So, I ran startxwin to get an xwin and then I can see 
it when I ssh to the backup F14 box. Once that solved, I see that, using 
whatever Fedora aliases 'ls' to, that a 'ls -Fl' shows it. Sorry for not 
trying that first, but I needed a "this will do it" example to make me 
suspect my end.

Appears that hmpf is red on black and /dfdfdfdf is blinking white on red 
(x shell is default black type on white background). Since this isn't a 
Cygwin list, I won't bother with any more on that, but at least I have a 
confirm that I probably will see it when I get my primary fedora box back.

And I might add, it does blink and it is ugly. The question is whether 
it is uglier than the missing file (smile). I am even more inclined to 
agree with Craig that it is effective at getting me to want to fix the 
underlying problem so the blinking stops.


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