bad autoconf behavior on Fedora Core 14

Colin McCabe cmccabe at
Thu Feb 3 23:04:51 UTC 2011

I encountered some bad autoconf behavior on Fedora Core 14.

Specifically, I was running ./configure .
That script did a test for g++.
g++ was not installed.

However, because of the new fallback behavior, which prints "Install
package 'gcc-c++' to provide command 'g++'? [N/y]" when an unknown
command is entered, ./configure did not detect the problem. Only later
did it realize that g++ was not installed.

Here is what I think might be a problem:

[cmccabe at highcastle ceph]$ g++
bash: g++: command not found...
Install package 'gcc-c++' to provide command 'g++'? [N/y]
[cmccabe at highcastle ceph]$ echo $?

Colin McCabe

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