misuse command dd, how to recover

Hiisi hiisi at fedoraproject.org
Sun Feb 6 22:08:33 UTC 2011

su, 2011-02-06 kello 10:41 -0600, Richard Shaw kirjoitti:
> You overwrote a lot more than the partition table but I have had luck
> with testdisk in the past. It's available on System Rescue CD, or in
> the fedora repos if you still have a bootable system.

I also vote for testdisk. However when I used it recently I had no luck
with version provided by fedora (testdisk-6.11-6). So, I contacted
Christophe Grenier (testdisk developer) and he suggested me to try
TestDisk 6.12-WIP:
wget -N http://www.cgsecurity.org/testdisk-6.12-WIP.linux26.tar.bz2
tar xjf testdisk-6.12-WIP.linux26.tar.bz2
cd testdisk-6.12-WIP
sudo ./testdisk_static
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