DNS not working in Fedora 14

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 12:10:53 UTC 2011

On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 6:27 AM, Dick Holland <fedora at xegetix.com> wrote:

> Sending "dig -t aaaa google.com" to my local DNS server:
> So the "no response" I guess means IPv6 is not supported by the server.
> Sending "dig -t aaaa google.com" to my ISP's DNS servers:
> No answer from the ISP either! So I guess that means they don't support
> IPv6 either.

I don't think that google.com has an ipv6 address. I think that you
have to query ipv6.google.com.

> All this leaves me with one question: is there a way of turning off
> these IPv6 DNS requests in Fedora?

Disable ipv6.

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