Installed F13 from DVD - Won't Boot

Oliver Ruebenacker curoli at
Mon Jan 3 21:12:58 UTC 2011


On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Oliver Ruebenacker <curoli at> wrote:
>  I installed F13 from DVD on a PC with two SCSI hard disks. The F13
> partitions (e.g. /boot) seem to be there and look OK, but the BIOS
> says there is no operating system. Also, if I try rescue mode from the
> DVD and say "boot from local drive", it simply hangs.

  Solved it.

  Forgot to mention one detail I thought was not important, but
apparently it was. There was a third SCSI disk, which I told the
installer to ignore. It was on position 0, whatever that means. I
thought it would be irrelevant, since it has nothing bootable, but it
must have confused the installer. In any case, I removed it from the
system, and started rescue mode from the DVD, and after some fiddling
with grub-install and the grub shell, it finally booted.

  The grub shell, which apparently assumes an English keyboard, is
especially fun if your keyboard is German. Except for English letters,
numbers and control keys, every character is somewhere else.

     Take care

Oliver Ruebenacker, Computational Cell Biologist
Systems Biology Linker at Virtual Cell (
Turning Knowledge Data into Models
Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling

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