I'm asking help for my project - If you're interested get contacted with me

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 16:10:57 UTC 2011

On Thursday 06 January 2011 11:39:13 Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Furthermore, I conjecture from contextual clues that the OP is Portugese
> or Brazilian. I'm pretty sure that if he had written the exact same text
> in Portugese the ambiguity would have remained. It's not a question of
> language but of clarity of expression.

I'm curious, on what exactly did you base that conjecture about OP's 
nationality? AFAICT, Zoltan Hoppar is more likely to be a Hungarian name than 
a Portugese one.

Also, after living in Lisbon for two years now, my experience is that 
virtually *all* Portugese people --- of those who speak English at all --- 
speak it in a grammatically very correct way, without any noticable mistakes. 
The same goes for Brasilians as well, although I admit I have managed to talk 
only with a modest number of them, 10-15 or so.

OTOH, Spanish folks seem to fight with English much more, with noticable errors 
in both grammar and pronounciation. ;-) At least that's my experience.

Best, :-)

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