Restricting ssh

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at
Thu Jan 6 23:45:10 UTC 2011

Timothy Murphy writes:

> I have an sshd server running on a machine in Ireland.
> Can I configure it so that it only accepts connection
> from certain machines, wherever they may be in the world?

In sshd_config set:

PasswordAuthentication no

Then, on the machines that you wish to allow connections from, in each 
account you wish to connect, run ssh-keygen to generate a keypair. This will 
create id_rsa and (or id_dsa and in $HOME/.ssh (with 
permissions set appropriately), then append the contents of or to the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file on the server that you 
want to connect TO.

Now, only the accounts whose private keys are listed in authorized_keys2 
will be able to log in to your server. And, as an added bonus, no password 
will be required. The key takes place of the password, and only the machine 
where the key is installed will be able to log in.

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