Ultimate inkjet printer for Fedora?

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 14:13:34 UTC 2011

On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 14:58:23 +0100
valent.turkovic at gmail.com wrote:

> I'm interested what is in your experience best inkjet printer that
> works flawlessly with Fedora?

Not advertised by HP, but virtually all newer HP all-in-one devices
work out of the box with fedora using hplip (in fact the only
flawless plug & play experience I ever had was with my HP
all-in-one - the scanner was recognized instantly and just worked).

DVD printing is a slight pain because you still have to manually
fiddle the margins. Here's my latest results:


An all-in-one device with a scanner is useful since you can scan
in the printed test disk and measure how far off it printed in
gimp to adjust the margins for the next try :-).

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