Spamassassin behaving strangely

Blake Hudson blake at
Thu Jan 13 20:56:22 UTC 2011

> Thanks very much for your response, which helps greatly.
> I see that these messages lose a lot of points because
> 	3.2 FH_DATE_PAST_20XX The date is grossly in the future
> Not quite sure how that happened.
> Actually, all my email, accepted or not,
> has a warning about the time of the message.
> I'm not sure how this has happened,
> as all the machines involved seem to have the right time.
> But I'll study the documentation,
> and see if I can get to the bottom of it.

There was an error with the regex matching within this rule that made it
break in 2010. It has since been fixed. Update spamassassin - either RPM
or using sa-update.


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