Remote Desktop in F15 & Gnome 3

Bryn M. Reeves bmr at
Fri Jul 1 09:45:19 UTC 2011

On 06/30/2011 10:24 PM, Andy Theuninck wrote:
> I want to turn on desktop sharing, but the menu options listed in the
> documentation no longer exist. This is the document I'm looking at:

The preferences applet is still there - it's in the "Other" category in the
applications menu, "Remote Desktop" (or just start typing "remote" in the menu

> Alternately, if there's a way to tweak /etc/sysconfig/vncservers to
> use x0vncserver instead of Xvnc, that would probably accomplish what I
> want. According to the man pages, the two programs take pretty much
> identical arguments, but the vncserver wrapper script used by init
> doesn't have any obvious options for switching backends.

The integrated gnome stuff uses the vino server.


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