HD permissions stay put

JD jd1008 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 03:59:12 UTC 2011

On 07/03/2011 08:38 PM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
> On 7/3/2011 6:43 PM, 夜神 岩男 wrote:
>> [...]
>> Fedora doesn't care if you have a UID much
>> higher than 500, but Debian does care if your UID is lower than 1000 (in
>> fact, the man page for "useradd" on Fedora even says that 1000 is the
>> standard, Fedora just doesn't actually follow that).
> [scratching head in bewilderment ...]
> This seems like at least a documentation bug as the headache of a change
> between versions sounds too grim
> You suggest using useradd with explicit number rather than default or
> the gui. How does one get around the initial user that the Fedora
> install packages needs created? Or does one create a scratch there, use
> useradd for a real user, and delete the scratch?
How about just modifying the user's uid gid (while su'ed to root):
usermod -u NEW-UID -g NEW-GID LoginName
chown -R NEW-UID.NEW-GID ~LoginName
exit su shell
Log out
and log back in.

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