F15 Why does gnome-shell automatically start Adobe acroread updater? (malware?)

Deron Meranda deron.meranda at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 21:39:47 UTC 2011

> If you just needed fill out forms, evince might have worked for you.

I tried Evince first, but there was some form it was having difficulty
with. And given there is a deadline for tax things, I didn't have a
lot of time to try to figure it out and was kind of forced to try
acroread.   What I should have done in retrospect was create a brand
new Unix user account, did my "dirty" things there, and then deleted
it all.

I was just surprised to find that it was somehow auto-installing
things when I didn't ask it to, and when I didn't start the
application myself.  I don't like surprises like that.

> You can run programs in a sandbox which will limit what they can do.
> You can use 'man sandbox' to see how to use it.

Thanks for that.  It sounds useful.
Deron Meranda

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