Fedora 15 boot delays -

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 18:30:09 UTC 2011

On Thu, 02 Jun 2011 14:07:45 -0400
Bob Goodwin wrote:

> I guess what I'm looking for is advice, should I just turn up
> network manager again or keep hoping that a solution comes along?

Did you enable "network" when you disabled "NetworkManager"? I
run that way all the time, and see no funny delays (in fact,
as mind numbingly complex as systemd is, I still like it
for the boot speed it brings - I find I boot a lot faster
than I used to :-).

I keep trying to use NetworkManager each new release, and it
keeps doing things that make that impossible, and I have to
turn it back off.

For instance: I have a wi-fi dongle I want hostapd to manage
as an access point, but as soon as I plug it in, NetworkManager
says, "Oh That's mine!" and yanks control away. Or I run a
bunch of virtual machines with a bridged network setup and
NetworkManager still has no support for bridge.

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