smartd fails to start after upgrade from F14 to F15

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at
Wed Jun 8 10:56:41 UTC 2011

Mark Eggers writes:

> smartd fails to start on boot after I upgraded from Fedora 14 to Fedora
> 15.
> Right now I'm using the default /etc/smartd.conf file (which is not
> ideal). This uses the default scanning values, which are:
> DEVICESCAN -H -m root -M exec /usr/lib/smartd_actions -n standby,10,q
> /usr/lib/smartd_actions does not exist, so obviously if there is a
> problem I won't get notified about it.
> A more reasonable set of lines for my system would be:
> /dev/sda -H -l selftest -l error -f
> /dev/sdb -H -l selftest -l error -f
> However, even with the sub-optimal configuration, issuing the following
> command as root starts smartd.
> systemctl start smartd.service

If so, then "systemctl enable smartd.service" will fix this.

There are a number of packages whose %post scriptlet is broken and enables  
their systemd units only when installing the package for the first time.  
When upgrading from F14 to F15, of course, this does not happen, so their  
systemd unit never gets enabled.

You probably also have rsyslog.service fail to come up for the same reason,  
and it should be enabled. I also had dhcp and inn require a manual enable;  
there are probably others, too.

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