Upgraded F14 -> F15, now how do I use this?

Alan Evans ame.fedora at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 19:03:25 UTC 2011

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Steven Stern
<subscribed-lists at sterndata.com> wrote:
> Gnome 3 is still a work in progress, so <underline>as Fedora
> users</underline> interested in being on the leading edge, it behooves
> us to try the new stuff and provide <very bold>constructive and useful
> feedback<back to normal> feedback about how it's going for us.

>From the standpoint of a user, I have no trouble trying new stuff or
providing feedback. However, the trouble is that I can't "try" the new
stuff (GNOME 3) without completely abandoning the old stuff (GNOME 2).

Couldn't the developers have continued packaging GNOME 2 for at least
*one* release cycle so I could seriously try the new stuff but still
fall back to the old stuff when the new was confusing or troublesome?
Then I could get my feet wet with GNOME 3 and provide feedback while
still being able to get some work done.


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