Special Characters

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 16 02:35:03 UTC 2011

> > IMHO this is the only reasonable way to do accented
> characters.
> I used to simultaneously press <Ctrl>, <Shift>
> and <U> keys.
> Release "U" key and enter Unicode symbol's hex code (I use
> Fr/En)... It
> does not always work (eg. applications using a QT toolkit)
> Linux compose key sequences method is a gem (first time to
> read about
> it)!
> Could somebody help me setting the compose key on Fedora
> LXDE 13.
> I probably have to edit a text file. Which one, how, and
> its location
> would help. Thanks
> -- 
> nomnex <nomnex at gmail.com>
> -- 


You can use the compose command and set it up in ~/.bashrc 
Add a line

setxkbmap -option compose:ralt &

save it and when you ready to compose you use the [right alt key]
+ the keys of characters you want to compose.  

For instance to put a n with a tilde ~, you use [ralt] + ~ then the n and you get ñ , for a an a with an accent á , etc


for more details. 



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