How do I point a mail client at Microsoft outlook?

Michael Hennebry hennebry at
Mon Jun 20 17:58:26 UTC 2011

On Sat, 18 Jun 2011, Damian Kohlfeld wrote:

> Use the following fetchmail configuration as a template. Replace all
> USERNAME with your unix user account name, all PASSWORD with the password
> for that IMAP account, all IMAPUSER with the IMAP username, all MAILHOST
> with the IMAP serverhostname and finally all MBOXPATH your mbox (absolute)
> filenames.

On fifth reading, it seems a little less confusing.

> --- BEGIN CONFIG ---
> set postmaster "USERNAME"
> set bouncemail
> set no spambounce
> set softbounce
> set properties ""
> set no showdots
> poll MAILHOST with proto IMAP
>  user 'IMAPUSER' there with password 'PASSWORD' is 'USERNAME' here
>  options keep fetchall ssl mda "formail -c >> /MBOXPATH/inbox"
>  folder INBOX

All servers have INBOX?

> poll MAILHOST with proto IMAP
>  user 'IMAPUSER' there with password 'PASSWORD' is 'USERNAME' here
>  options keep fetchall ssl mda "formail -c >> /MBOXPATH/sent"
>  folder INBOX.Sent

It might not have an INBOX.Sent,
but if it doesn't it will just complain?

> --- END CONFIG ---

Michael   hennebry at
"Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
Optimist:   The glass is half full.
Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be."

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