Chrome asks for Gnome Keyring password???? (SOLVED???)

mike cloaked mike.cloaked at
Tue Jun 21 07:14:13 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 3:33 AM, John Aldrich <jmaldrich at> wrote:
> On Mon June 20 2011, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> Not really. The way you describe it, your home console is always logged
>> on, so you don't need to be authenticated again. OTOH your remote
>> session via SSH is logged out when you go home (even though the SSH
>> connection remains open), so when you log in again next day you have to
>> present new credentials. The two sessions (home and remote) are
>> completely distinct and separate as far as keyring access is concerned.
>> This is consistent with what I'm saying.
> I think I have resolved it... I pulled up the systemsettings GUI and
> changed the default web browser to "google-chrome --
> password-store=kwallet" and then restarted the VNC Server. That seems to
> have resolved the issue when the steps on the Chrome FAQ didn't.

If you now switch on sync with a gmail account, then allow time for it
to synchronise... and then run it without the --password-store flag,
does that then allow sync to put the passwords in the local encrypted
sqlite file instead of kwallet after which you can then switch of

mike c

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