gnome 3: how to manage energy with laptop

Genes MailLists lists at
Mon Jun 27 01:55:09 UTC 2011

> On 06/27/2011 12:39 AM, Adel ESSAFI wrote:
>> Hi list
>> I want to know which  tool enables me to manage en power in gnome 3. I
>> want that my laptop keep working (do not suspend)
>> when I put the screen down.

Or do what many others have done - and switch to another desktop which
lets you do what you want to configure it .. like KDE or XFCE or LXDE.

Going from Gnome 2 to Gnome 3/shell is changing DE's anyway - I found,
coming from Gnome 2, that changing to Gnome shell was a  bigger change
than changing to KDE .. which I am finding really quite nice!!

 .. others have suggested xfce ..

for me it was a short learning curve from Gnome2 -> KDE ... and I can
configure lid close .. or screen saver or whatever you want - without
3rd party extensions which are very likely to break as they are not part
of gnome core.

 You should of course do what is best suits you.

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