invoking shellscript from desktop icon

fred smith fredex at
Fri Mar 11 14:59:40 UTC 2011

Hi all!

I've got a shellscript that is invoked by a desktop icon. works fine.
but every time I do it I get a gnome prompt asking if I want to 
run in terminal, run, view, etc.

is there a way to disable that prompt FOR A SPECIFIC PROGRAM?
I know it can be disabled for all, but in general I don't want it
totally disabled, I just don't want to see it when I run this single

I don't see any options in right-click/properties that would do it.

Thanks in advance!
---- Fred Smith -- fredex at -----------------------------
                      The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, 
                    keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
----------------------------- Proverbs 15:3 (niv) -----------------------------

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