How to compile a soft same as the version realeased by fedora?

stan gryt2 at
Sat Mar 19 23:43:01 UTC 2011

On Sat, 19 Mar 2011 16:02:15 -0700
Konstantin Svist <fry.kun at> wrote:
> I've used the kernel compilation procedure from the wiki page [1] but 
> the sizes of the binaries are larger than the distro sizes
> [1]

I've never compared them because I customize so much.  My kernels are
*much* smaller than the default Fedora kernel, and that's with not
optimizing for size (I prefer speed). I've noticed that the default
kernel hacking options for the stock Fedora kernel have kernel debugging
checking turned on, though I turn it off. I can imagine that that would
add a lot of size.  

Maybe that is the case for all the src.rpm packages, that they aren't
optimized?  It seems strange if that is the case.  There must be a
switch in the .spec file to change that, or of course it would be
possible to look at the compile flags and change them directly.

In general, when I use upstream source, I compile it from the
development repositories, and install in /usr/local rather than trying
to work with the packaging system.  That way I always have a default
too. :-)

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