How to compile a soft same as the version realeased by fedora?

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Mon Mar 21 12:45:54 UTC 2011

GeeKer Wang wrote:

> Hi,  guys
>     I tried to compile OpenSceneGraph-2.8.3-3.fc14.rpm software, and got a
> low efficient and large version of it. But the version from fedora-repo
> works well.
> eg. my version with frame rate < 10, while fedora-repo version with frame
> rate ~=40.
> I have tried three ways:
> 1. configure && make
> 2. ccmake && make
> 3. rpmbuild --recompile OpenSceneGraph-2.8.3-3.fc14.src.rpm
> They resulted the same anyway. Especially, the rpmbuld way took 3G+ disk
> space, each .so file is much larger and each application is slower. It's
> realy strange to me. I use the gcc/g++ 4.5.1 under fedora 14.
>  So where the differences come from? Or where are the special places in
> fedora's compiling environment? Any advice will be appreciated, thx.

3 is the way to go, I'd venture you didn't have redhat-rpm-config installed, 
so it used slightly different compiler flags and didn't generate a separate 
-debuginfo pkg (ie, why it was so much bigger).

-- Rex

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