Direction of Fedora desktop manager Gnome, related to complaints in OT morons thread

Joe Zeff joe at
Mon Mar 21 19:42:03 UTC 2011

On 03/21/2011 12:18 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
>   Many of their releases languish without updates for
> far longer than Fedora, in my experience. Ubuntu is designed to make
> the switch from Windoze to be as painless as possible, and they
> probably achieve that.

AOL.  My sister uses the latest Ubuntu and only reboots for kernel 
updates or distro upgrades.  Her current uptime is about 110 days.  I've 
always referred to it as the distro for Windows refugees and consider it 
to be "Linux with training wheels."  Not that that's a bad thing, mind 
you, it's just the way things are.

What really amuses me is all the leet Slashtards who think they're so 
wonderful because they use Ubuntu and post as though Linux == Ubuntu.

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