Mounting cifs

JD jd1008 at
Sat May 28 00:52:27 UTC 2011

On 05/27/11 16:59, Tim wrote:
> Their all-in-one service is, most likely, aimed at the average computer
> illiterate person who has one or two computers, doesn't really do
> anything special with them, is used to general Windows crappiness, and
> will also put up with the same crappiness in other gear, because they
> don't know any better.  Technology, on a whole, seems to be going in
> that direction
You hit the nail on the head. All the owners are concerned
about are the TV shows and email and web. And that's it.
But when it comes to asking me to help with  making the
wifi-capable printer be accessible to all machines, or to
transfer photos from one computer to another, I have to
tell them I must reboot the router, and then, even then, I
have only 20 to 30 minutes of transfer time, after which
the router will clamp down on inter-lan traffic and I have
to start all over again. I explain to them that they must
force the isp to fix it.
So far, no go.

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