Yum update from Fedora 14 -> 15 WARNING! [OT]

Matthew Saltzman mjs at clemson.edu
Tue May 31 13:16:47 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 22:04 -0700, Joe Zeff wrote: 
> On 05/30/2011 09:17 PM, Mark Eggers wrote:
> > I would be happy to be shown incorrect.
> Your understanding is, on the whole, correct.  However, you can always 
> use akmod-nvidia instead.  If there's not a kmod for the current kernel, 
> akmod builds it on the fly at boot.  It's not a panacea by any means, 
> but for most of us, it's much better than having to remember to 
> re-install the binary blob every time there's a kernel update.

The real question is, is the nvidia blob still necessary?  In F15, the
nouveau driver has 3D acceleration enabled by default.  Performance
might not be all the way to the nvidia drivers, but GNOME Shell runs in
standard mode with the default nouveau driver.  That should at least
tide you over until the nvidia packages catch up.

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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