Rhythymbox on F15 under gnome3 (broken)

Gregory P. Ennis PoMec at PoMec.Net
Mon Oct 10 16:20:27 UTC 2011

I have not been able to get rhythmbox on F15 under gnome3 to work with
magnatunes or jamendo.  The radio as well as the direct access of music
on my pc works fine.   Other software like 'movie player' and 'dragon
player' work fine.

When I try to connect to magnatunes or jamendo it attempts to download
the catalogs, but it never completes and therefore never starts.

I open up the preferences to the plugin of jamendo, but when I try to
open up the preferences to magnatune the program dies.  

Has anyone else had these problems.  I have not submitted a bug yet, and
thought I would ask here first.

Greg Ennis


I posted this problem on the rhythmbox dev list and received a reply
from Jonathon Matthews pertaining the magnatune and jamendo plugins :

"These plugins are broken. I removed the jamendo plugin recently (grilo
provides better access to jamendo, and it actually works), but the
magnatune plugin is still there and still broken. Some work is
required in pygobject or gobject-introspection or both to get it
working again."

Greg Ennis

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