Kernel Questions (pos compiling)

Bryn M. Reeves bmr at
Fri Sep 30 13:05:58 UTC 2011

Hi Jo�o,

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On 09/30/2011 01:55 PM, Jo�o Daniel Neves wrote:
> So I discovered that my initramfs file was to large. About 112 MB.
> Fedora intramfs is about 15Mb.

When using dracut to create initramfs images the default is to create a
generic image with all available kernel modules that could be required
to boot a system.

> Basically my questions are:
> 1) If I remove SCSI support from kernel, would it improve performace?
> More generally what improve performace in linux kernel. It is possible
> to improve performace just by removing itens?

No - most likely you would not be able to measure a difference. You
would also lose support for lots of common and useful hardware like ata
hard disks, most CD-ROMs/DVDs etc. and USB storage since these all use
the SCSI infrastructure in the kernel.

> 2)Why my initramfs is too big? I unselect a lot o stuff that I wont use.
> It is possible to make a intramsfs of 1MB ?

The -H/--hostonly options cause dracut to only include the set of
modules that are needed to boot the running system (i.e. the image is
tailored to the host on which dracut is run).


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