Wired vs (bad) Wireless communications speeds

J.Witvliet at mindef.nl J.Witvliet at mindef.nl
Fri Apr 6 10:28:50 UTC 2012

-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org [mailto:users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org] On Behalf Of Philip Rhoades
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 11:26 AM
To: Fedora List
Subject: Wired vs (bad) Wireless communications speeds


Between my laptop and my server there is a WiFi modem and an ADSL 
router and I think the comms is too slow.  The device speed for each is:

   Server: Intel 82567LF Gigabit: 10/100/1000 Mb/s
   Belkin Wireless F5D7230-4v7: 10/100 Mb/s
   Belkin ModemRouter F1PI241ENau: 10/100 Mb/s
   Asus Zenbook UX31: ath9k: 54 Mb/s
                      RJ45 via USB: 10/100 Mb/s
On an unloaded network I can get about 6.5 Mb/s when I use the cable 
connection to the laptop but nothing better than about 1.5 Mb/s for the 
wireless connection - and even that is when the laptop and the wireless 
router are only about 1.5m apart (the XFCE network icon shows connection 
quality is then at about 90%).
Anyone know why the wireless performance is not better than this?
-----Original Message-----

Well, firstly if all your components for _wired_ are 100Mbps or better,
You might start wondering why you only get 6.5Mbps.... That is already bad.

Next, as you already said, quality 90%?
You don't mention if it is dropping/reordering/corruption/....
But if you have 10% packet loss, you get lots of re-transmissions.
Try other (less used) wifi-channels.

And try a cross-cable between your laptop and server: you should be able to gat 99% saturation, if not 100%...


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