why is ipv6 fixly compiled in latest F15 and all F16 kernels?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sun Apr 8 11:15:47 UTC 2012

Am 08.04.2012 13:05, schrieb Frantisek Hanzlik:
> Yes, I have it (as You wrote, on kernel cmdline - as having it in
> sysctl.conf seems not enough). But this nothing change on fact that
> 1) I have unwanted things included in kernel

not really relevant

we both can not say how much more overhead in kernel
code would be on different places to respect
if it is loaded or not compared with a "module"
which is aware that it is disabled

> 2) something (NetworkManager or other malware;) can easily activate it.

who told you so?
how can NetworkManager override a KERNEL parameter?

in times where it was a loadable module it was the same
you had to make sure to disable it AND it was loaded
most of the time

did you ever notice the dmesg messages about ipv6 is disabled and
you have to reboot to enable it again while it was loaded
all the time (this messages which appear if you remove "quiet"
from the kernel-parameters and most people do not recognize)

> As module, I can better control how use it and save memory too
> (although when ipv6 stack is disabled entirely, memory requirements
> may be lower - I not study about this)

the stack is disabled entirely and the memory footprint may
be the same as unloaded module and code paths on different
places which has to check this

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