why is ipv6 fixly compiled in latest F15 and all F16 kernels?

Frantisek Hanzlik franta at hanzlici.cz
Sun Apr 8 12:07:43 UTC 2012

Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 08.04.2012 13:05, schrieb Frantisek Hanzlik:
>> Yes, I have it (as You wrote, on kernel cmdline - as having it in
>> sysctl.conf seems not enough). But this nothing change on fact that
>> 1) I have unwanted things included in kernel
> not really relevant
> we both can not say how much more overhead in kernel
> code would be on different places to respect
> if it is loaded or not compared with a "module"
> which is aware that it is disabled

Networking code has especial position, as bugs / problems /
misconfigurations in it have strong impact to machine security.
And I simply do not want do any ip6tables and other ipv6
security configuration - because I do not want use ipv6

>> 2) something (NetworkManager or other malware;) can easily activate it.
> who told you so?
> how can NetworkManager override a KERNEL parameter?

Have I after each update supervise whether NM or other stuff
made some unwanted changes - maybe even on kernel commandline?
And after each reboot again? No, I donĀ“t want it.

> in times where it was a loadable module it was the same
> you had to make sure to disable it AND it was loaded
> most of the time
even if I wipe it from disk most services was able reconstruct
it and load again ;)

> did you ever notice the dmesg messages about ipv6 is disabled and
> you have to reboot to enable it again while it was loaded
> all the time (this messages which appear if you remove "quiet"
> from the kernel-parameters and most people do not recognize)
>> As module, I can better control how use it and save memory too
>> (although when ipv6 stack is disabled entirely, memory requirements
>> may be lower - I not study about this)
> the stack is disabled entirely and the memory footprint may
> be the same as unloaded module and code paths on different
> places which has to check this

Here I eventually agree with You.

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