f16, vncserver, screen geometry

Mike Wright mike.wright at mailinator.com
Fri Apr 27 17:10:28 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Finally have f16 installed into a xen box.

After some confusion with systemctl I managed to get vncserver hooked up 
and started; however, it's config file (/etc/sysconfig/vncservers) seems 
to get ignored WRT -geometry.

I use that same file on all of my other fedoras without a hitch.

I did find that I could enlarge the vnc window by using f16's 
systemSettings->display but none of the the built-in resolution choices 
fit my display full screen: either too small or too large with scroll bars.

Ideally vncserver would honor the -geometry setting in its config file 
but since the vncserver window's size can be forced by changing the 
display's size it should be possible to add another size to the list of 
those available.

I guess this is two questions in one.  1) Has the config file for 
vncserver moved or is f16's vncserver implementation broken?  2) Is it 
possible to add a custom display size somewhere?  (looking to add 

Thanks for any help,
Mike Wright

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