fedora books

NOSpaze nospaze at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 16:44:23 UTC 2012

On Sat, 2012-12-01 at 01:37 -0500, Brian West wrote:
> Hello everyone I'd like to hear any suggestions you may have when it 
> comes to a good book to learn the features of fedora.  while there are 
> countless books that teach you how to use linux in the general way.  
> each distribution has its own unique set of tools and features.

You will not find a book about the features of some specific laptop
model, car model or mobile phone. The same with a distro. A car differs
to others basically in the way components are assembled. The same with a
distro. They both share the same components in essence.

A distro differ from others basically in directories organization and
some scripts. The rest is basically the same among others with the same
purpose (say, suse, debian, ubuntu). The best way to learn features of a
distro is using it with some purpose (ie. write a book, handle bank
accounts, play games). If you want to learn linux, the best kind of
books are the certification-oriented books. 


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