Howto debug crashes in usb_modeswitch?

Clemens Eisserer linuxhippy at
Wed Dec 19 22:13:55 UTC 2012


I am running F17+updates-testing, and for some time now I experience
frequent segfault crashes of usb_modeswitch when plugging in my UMTS
usb modem (ZTE MF652).
As ABRT doesn't detect the crash and manually triggering the
modeswitch usually doesn't crash I am a bit helpless.

Is there any way to debug the modeswitch triggered by systemd?

I've filed reports about both, usb_modewitch crashing as well as ABRT
not detecting the issue, however that didn't generate a lot of

My experience with running fedora-beta or updates-testing is not the best.
I am prepared to file bugs when something goes wrong, however usually
nobody cares :/:

Thank you in advance, Clemens

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