preupgrade does not find F18

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Thu Dec 27 18:50:56 UTC 2012

Am 27.12.2012 19:40, schrieb Frank Zimmermann:
> Hi,
> I'm traying to upgrade my F17 to F18 with preugrade. However, launching
> the GUI leaves me with no options to choose (yes I've ticked "show
> unstable test versions") and a
> preupgrade-cli "Fedora 18 (Spherical Cow)" 
> results in "No version with the name Fedora 18 (Spherical Cow)
> available". I've downloaded the releases.txt to folder I'm launchign
> preugrade from with no avail. 

there is no preupgrade for F18 as discussed often here
there is a new tool called fedup

throw away all this cap and follow exactly the instructions
for yum-upgrade but keep in mind there is CURRENTLY no stable F18

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