Yum and Fedora 16 -- focus on systemd

Paul Allen Newell pnewell at cs.cmu.edu
Thu Feb 9 06:26:21 UTC 2012

On 2/8/2012 12:51 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> As far as systemd goes, more thought should have been done (IMAO) on 
> making the transition as smooth and transparent as possible. You 
> shouldn't expect the average non-techy user to know how to do 
> whatever's needed to find out if all of the services that were started 
> at boot still are or that any services that had been explicitly 
> disabled weren't re-enabled.  Yes, a professional sysadmin with dozens 
> of servers to keep running can be expected to check, but the average 
> home user with one Linux box isn't going to expect to need that.
I was real tempted to color some test red to highlight, but I did 
resist. Being an "average home user" when it comes to doing sysAdmin 
stuff, I have been reading all the posts on this list and getting real 
scared over trying to figure out what is no longer being done that I 
need to do.

Is there anything resembling a single doc/html/post/whatever that can be 
used as a reference point to try to begin to understand what all this 
entails (hopefully that assumes systemd is something new to learn rather 
than "of course you understand" which glosses over the "understand" issue).

Thanks in advance,

ps: for what it is worth, migrating from F14 Gnome to F16 Xfce has been 
relatively painless short of one Totem crash which seems to be bigger 
than just Gnome or Xfce (Bug 751692). Once that is resolved, I can 
commit to the migration.

A bunch of relearning "where things are" but that isn't horrible.

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