Alsa-utils update broken

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at
Thu Feb 16 11:34:15 UTC 2012

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 20:38:35 -0500, TH (Tom) wrote:

> I'm talking a simple practical system to catch
> most errors, not the ultimate perfect system
> which will never actually be finished :-).

It doesn't need to be perfect, but delaying security updates because
something else breaks deps isn't a brilliant idea either. And even
security updates can break dependencies, too, so they cannot be excluded
from such tests.

In old Extras pushscripts, I've had the script, which did a
repoclosure run on everything including the build system's repo and
excluding packages on a blacklist. It was a manual step (although Plague
can be configured to run a script after every successful build job).  What
wasn't trivial was to figure out which builds cause broken deps (sometimes
even via non-obvious "Obsoletes" tags, or only multiarch breakage) and to
exclude only the bad packages, then run the check once more. An automated
and safe skip-broken/remove-broken checker would be the way to go.

Progress with AutoQA would be to detect breakage as early as possible and
prevent such packages from entering any public repo. Where multiple builds
from different people are needed (possibly including builds done with
buildroot overrides), it would be the Update System's job to keep these in
a non-public "pending" repo, from which to take only those sets of packages
which can propagate to updates-testing without causing (dep-)breakage there.

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