startx fails with new kernel

John Pilkington J.Pilk at
Thu Feb 16 12:49:33 UTC 2012

On 16/02/12 11:55, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Thank for your email.
> Before I do any thing, I can see that I have
> kmod-nvidia-3.2.3-2.fc16.x86_64-290.10-1.fc16.12.x86_64
> and
> kmod-nvidia-3.2.5-3.fc16.x86_64-290.10-1.fc16.13.x86_64
> Should I remove the first one?
> Thank.

Hi:  I use the ATrpms repo and so don't have first-hand experience of 
fusion, but your first post showed you have the 3.2.5-3 SMP kernel.  You 
probably need a plain nvidia 290.10 package to match that, and a 
matching kmod.  I had assumed the problem was that that had not been 
built when you tried the upgrade, but now you seem to have it, unless 
there's a SMP variant.  If you were running with the 3.2.3-2 kmod 
package before, the one you have now should be ok; the one that you 
suggest removing won't be any use and the answer would be Yes.

I hope you don't mind me asking why you are using F16 in what sounds as 
if it ought to be a production environment, with no-one on site to help 
you.  You will need to upgrade at least once a year: F16 isn't really a 
stable platform.  I don't expect that you want to move to CentOS_6 or 
SL6 now, but they are expected to have RH support for 7 years and they 
are really quite competent.

Good luck,

John P

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