Cryptsetup luks "Invalid password" F16

Frank Murphy frankly3d at
Sat Feb 18 09:36:44 UTC 2012

Switched on this morning.
Can get into /devsda4 (root)

But as systemd starts doing it's stuff,
dropped to  emergency shell.

Both /dev/sda3 (swap), /dev/sdb2 (home)
"invalid password"

They are unlocked with a keyfile at /root/keyfile.
pointed to in /etc/crypttab

Now have tried: (twice, same result)
dd =if=/dev/urandom of=/root/newkey
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdb2 /root/newkey
Enter any Password: made one up
"No key with this paraphrase"


Frank Murphy
UTF_8 Encoded
Friend of

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