no internet connection with Fedora16

Michael Hannon jm_hannon at
Thu Jan 12 22:35:16 UTC 2012

> From: Joe Zeff <joe at>
>Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 10:46 AM

Hi, Joe.

> My desktop doesn't use NM, and for a very good reason: it nuked my DNS
> numbers every time I rebooted until I permanently disabled it.  I've not had
> a single issue of that kind since I went back to using network.

I'm beginning to think that resistance is futile and have started to accept
the inevitability of NM.  OTOH, I run my own name server for my tiny home
network and was none too pleased to find NM wiping my name server out of

I was querying this list about a somewhat-related problem when somebody (don't
recall the name offhand) made the brilliant suggestion to mark resolv.conf as
"immutable".  I've added the following to my resolv.conf to remind me of what
I did and how to undo it:

    # I've marked this file as "immutable" via:
    #    chattr +i resolv.conf
    # To undo that:
    #    chattr -i resolv.conf
I haven't been mugged by NM since I did this.

BTW, I did the same thing to my iptables file to keep some helpful system
utility (NM?) from messing with my configuration.

-- Mike

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