Gordon Messmer yinyang at eburg.com
Mon Jul 2 16:38:50 UTC 2012

On 07/02/2012 07:08 AM, Ken Smith wrote:
> I would suggest deprecated as the settings for the function have been
> buried. It suppose it depends on how you define deprecated.

No, they haven't.  They're still in custom.conf, where they've been for 
some time.  The buried settings discussed earlier apply to GDM, which 
has not itself been deprecated.

> If I try the access the FC17 VM with "X -query ..." from the FC13 host
> or the C6 VM, the machine switches desktop as expected and then displays
> the circular mouse icon on a black screen and then the desktop freezes.
> Cntl-Alt F1 or 2 etc then do nothing.

It sounds like the X server is crashing or locking up.  Try this:  Reset 
the machine running the X server.  Possibly reset the F17 host as well, 
since it's complaining about too many sessions from your X server host. 
  When you run X -query, capture data using strace:

strace -f -s 256 X -query ... > /var/tmp/xtrace.txt 2>&1

After the X server locks, cancel the trace with Ctrl+C.  Don't send the 
file to the list, because it'll be large.  I don't think it has any 
sensitive data in it, so maybe compress it and post it somewhere it can 
be retrieved (http://ge.tt ?) or send it to me.  What we're looking for 
is output from glibc similar to what I included previously.  It'll be on 
lines near the end which indicate calls to writev().

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