Fedora 17 "BIG CRASH"

Jim binarynut at comcast.net
Mon Jul 2 18:05:25 UTC 2012

Fedora 17 Crashed big Time, I installed Fedora for a friend and Three 
days later it Crashed.

Ai Boot startup it would Stop at Rescue Grub. After further 
investigation I found that label for / and /home Partitions had neen 
changedf to "UNKNOWN" .

I'm very concern about the /home partition that has some very important 
data that needs to be retrieved .

I always setup my Fedora Boxes with a  /   /home   swap , three 
partitions  , that way I can do a next version of fedora fresh install 
on  /  and Users data will be left untouched by not Formatting the /home 

THE BIG QUESTION HERE IS, Can i do a fresh install  by puting the labels 
back to  /  and  /home  from "UNKNOWN"  and Save the Users Data in 
/home  Or can I assume that the Users Data is LOST !!

My friend say the Data Has got to be SAVED.  If I can't do it he will 
have to take the hard drive out to someone that can.  I have talk him 
into using a /Backup hard drive on his new computer

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