And don't let the door hit you on the way out

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Wed Jul 4 02:48:00 UTC 2012

On 07/04/2012 10:35 AM, Robert Myers wrote:
> Because I have a significant if not especially visible investment in both time and
> emotion.  I'm just not as visible as some of the more aggressive self-promoters
> [sustained and direct eye contact].  I had hoped to fend off patronizing messages
> like yours with my subject line.  Clearly, I failed.
> There is also just the outside chance that someone, rather than trying to make me
> into a Better Person [tm], might have a useful suggestion to make, which clearly
> you do not.  Do you *really* want to advise me against flaming?

You misunderstand.....  I'm suggesting that doing pure venting isn't going to help

I've looked over the list archives for the past several months.  I could only find
one previous post from you concerning XDMCP.  So, you don't appear to be very active
in reporting problems and seeking answers.  I also could not find any bugzillas being
reported as rbmyersusa at  So, maybe you've changed your email address or
have been seeking help in other venues.

I see no question or request for help in anything you've said.... 

In any case, I'm sorry you saw my previous message as being "patronizing". 

I sincerely hope you find satisfaction elsewhere. 

Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke
of the century. -- Dame Edna Everage

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