sda2 is corrupted

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Fri Jul 6 16:19:35 UTC 2012

Am 06.07.2012 18:11, schrieb Jim:
> On 07/06/2012 12:02 PM, Michael Schwendt wrote:
>> On Fri, 06 Jul 2012 11:22:55 -0400, Jim wrote:
>>>>> /dev/sdb1 is now a blockwise copy of /dev/sda2
>>>> On 05.07.2012, Jim wrote:
>>>>> There are some important data files  I must save off of sda2
>>>> Before you start any rescueing, take a full snapshot of the partition,
>>>> e.g. "dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/on_an_external_disk"
>>> that is exactly what I did but nothing shows up on /dev/sdb1 external
>>> drive after dd has completed .
>> That makes no sense. If /dev/sdb1 points at a corrupted filesystem,
>> above "dd" command will copy the same corrupted filesystem to /dev/sda2.
>> That's expected and okay, if you only want to keep that one read-only as
>> a backup of the originally corrupted filesystem. Then you can play with
>> rescueing sdb1 - but be careful and remember that sda2 is supposed to be
>> your backup of a corrupted filesystem. Don't mess with that one.
>> Better would have been to copy sdb1 to an image file instead of another
>> partition device.
> sda2 is the corrupted file system.
> I'm trying to send a img of the sda2 to backup hard drive sdb1

but you did sent the command to overwrite the whole partition
AND NOT a image some posts before!

> I' running into a read-only filisystem on sda3 , but :
> # mount | grep sda3
> /dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,seclabel,data=ordered)

what role does play sda3 in this game now?

> it say it is rw but when i run the dd command i get a read-only filesystem

what role does play sda3 mounted as rootfs for the dd-command
and why should dd write to this drive?


provide UNCUTTED inputs and outputs if you need help
as also FULL information what are you trying to do
and not only what you think is the solution

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