Please Relax was: And don't let the door hit you on the way out

Joe Zeff joe at
Fri Jul 6 19:36:49 UTC 2012

On 07/06/2012 12:14 PM, Richard Vickery wrote:
> My credentials come from Simon Fraser University in the political
> science department. As to how thick I am: if you really want an answer,
> I encourage you to read up on what Qigong does for its practitioners; I
> am both, and at the same time, as thick as diamonds and as thin as the
> Higgs-field.

I have a friend how has, among other things, a PhD in Poly Sci.  Unlike 
you, he knows better than to try to put out a fire by throwing gasoline 
on it.  Of course, he may have learned that while earning his PhD in 
Psyc, but I suspect that it's simply because, deep down, he's a 
gentleman.  I'm not saying that you aren't, because I don't know 
anything about you other than what I've seen on this mailing list, but I 
will say that I've not seen any evidence that you are.

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