Fedora 18 and UEFI onlist

Frank Murphy frankly3d at gmail.com
Sat Jul 7 12:51:51 UTC 2012

On 07/07/12 13:48, Reindl Harald wrote:

> Am 07.07.2012 14:45, schrieb Frank Murphy:
>> On 07/07/12 13:34, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> Am 07.07.2012 14:19, schrieb Frank Murphy:
>>>> On 07/07/12 12:58, Itamar Reis Peixoto wrote:
>>>>> I think we are bigger enough to say no and buy only hardware compatible.
>>>> Not my first choice.
>>>> Been left with Old hardware as only option no thanks.
>>> who said that?
>>> there is a big enough market with customers which will
>>> make the pressure to the manufacturers to produce
>>> recent hardware where you can urn off secure boot
>> Verified Statistics please?

Not an answer.

>>> do you really think vendors like HP would be stoopid enough
>>> to ignore their business customers? and yes the business
>>> machines have much better quality and are not too expensive
>>> or in many cases cheaper than the customer-crap most people
>>> buy
>> How many Fedora users, buy Business servers?
> Fedora is NOT relevant

see _below_

> the point is that business-customers hardly needing to
> install they os and platforms which are needed for their
> business
> so this inculudes NAY free operating system not only Fedora

The tread is about _Fedora_

"Jack of all, fubars"

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